Category: Posters

Japanese Advertisements from the 1950s

The 1950s in Japan was flourished with new advertising and commercials to show off their new wave of product lines. This was the BOOM in an era where new products were finally reaching a level of quality that would continue to compete with the rest of the world, even to this day. Let’s take a look at Japanese advertisements from the 1950s.

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Looking for a Graphic Design community filled with designers from around the world? If so, welcome to Design Culture Now

The purpose of this contest will allow designers to partake in a poster project which contains rigorous exercises that challenges the designer to include multiple text blocks that coincide in real-project scenarios. Our mission here is to create a community of designers by the inspiration, magazine/blog articles, and contests we provide. Our acceptance of submissions for DCN’s website and Instagram page will allow us to further engage with the community, because at the end of the day, we’re all designers.

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