How To Keep Your Design-Filled Life Productive While You Are Locked Inside

The world has been living in fear since the coronavirus outbreak spread across cities and around the world. Cities are under quarantine due to this epidemic, and workers have been advised to work from home. For many, working remotely is new, but not for most graphic designers.

Graphic designers have the ability to turn freelance mode on, when need be. Thankfully clients anywhere from around world can have you on Zoom or Skype right in the comfort of their own homes.

Nevertheless, designers like us, can stay productive even at home during this quarantine. Fit these tips into your daily schedule to create more productive habits:

Read: Read more of those design books you’ve been meaning to pick up & summarize every chapter. Even if you don’t have any design books, start your collection today with The Design of Everyday Things, Don’t Make Me Think, Designing Brand Identity, and Why Fonts Matter.

Learn: Take time to learn new skills, whether it being from your new design books, or an online design course.

Practice: Use new tips and guides that you’ve learned to practice those skills. (e.g. design the cover of your favorite author’s book.)

Sketch: Have a daily quota of illustrations to sketch. A daily quoata (start with one page) will keep you committed and not overwhelmed. Your sketches can include logo thumbnails and various illustrations.

Promote: Build a better promotion for your services. Whether you have clients at the moment or not, always promote your work to maintain (or regain) a solid flow of clients. You don’t need to wait till everyone wears latex gloves and surgical masks to meet potential clients; setup a Zoom meeting or Skype call. Is your flow going too slow? Refer back to the other tips above. The key is to grow when you’re not utilizing your time with clients.

Using this time of self-isolation to create, practice, and achieve more can really help you advance in your career goals and grow as a designer. There’s no better time to create productive habits, than now.

Stay safe, fellow creators!

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