The Selection Of Type Is Just As Important As The Selection Of Words (1939-ish)

An “Alphabetical Index to Type Faces” from the G.A. Davis Printing Company. What it says on the tin, but also generator of bizarre ‘accidental’ sentences such as “Summer-time with outdoor pleasures become flowers with nature”, “Domestic animals are nuisance when a hurry to men”, “Strong type faces used cold north winds” and the occasional poem: “History repeats itself as the years pass / Internal injuries are weakening / Injurious statements make yonder river flows fast”.

NB: The publishing date of 1900 given in the Internet Archive link appears to be incorrect, with some of the typefaces not being invented until the mid-30s. There is no indication of publishing date on the scanned copy itself, though there is a Library of Toronto stamp dated October 1939.

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