Though the main intentions of her page were never about the current lockdown in Italy, nor the entire crisis as a whole, Chiara Belmonte has been illustrating life on a balcony through her clear captures of human-interactions through self-isolation. Self-isolation in a sense that her representations of people living their life in their own “habitat” is sacred.
I had the pleasure of gathering Chiara’s insight on the current matters regarding COVID-19 and how it is affecting her illustrations, daily-life, and work-life.

Do you, yourself have a balcony view? If so, are the people just as lively in your area? [as shown in the news]
“Yes, I have a balcony view and we are sort of a big family now. I have a lot of balconies around me, and in the evening after 6:00pm, people on the balcony play music, dance, and sing. You can hear many different types of music going on in different streets.”
What are your thoughts on this whole epidemic? How has it affected your normal routine?
“According to me, everybody should take this situation seriously, we definitely have to respect the rules. My normal routine is completely different now. I am working from home and I can’t go out. Just one family member can go to the supermarket or pharmacy. We are obligated to stay 1 meter away from each other. No touch, no hugs, no kisses. We can’t see friends and the daily life for me is completely different. It is difficult, but it is necessary.”
How similar are your illustrations to the people you’ve observed lately at their balcony?
“They are quite similar, even if I often draw myself in my illustrations. I try to catch other sensations besides mine.”

How would you describe your observations of each balcony?
“These are the stories of all of us. I love capturing details of everyday life and giving the viewer the opportunity to reflect through my illustrations in moments of life lived. I choose to do it through windows, balconies, and in any case, the interior of one’s own home because that is where we let ourselves go, without filters or appearances to maintain. I for example, during the evening, after a day of work, find peace by going out to the balcony to look at the landscape and I rejoice, while maybe gathering my thoughts from the day. During that time, I maybe notice a family in their home preparing dinner together, or someone else, like me, relaxing out in their balcony, reading a book. The hope is to be able to transmit these positive vibrations to others, through my illustrations.”
“Every balcony has a story to tell, you just need to know how to listen with your eyes.”
Chiara Belmonte (@lifeonabalcony)
Like most of the people she observes from her balcony, I think it’s safe to say that home never felt so sacred, and so special, than at a time like this. Whether it is people’s balconies or just a one story house; home is sacred. Captured in one frame, Chiara, shows the importance, that is, having a space called “home.” Within each frame, she captures a story, while also proving her main theme, that every story is all just a matter of paying attention to it, to understand.
You can check out Chiara’s Instagram here.