Week of: July 6 – July 12, 2020
Every week we curate our top picks in design to present and critique, with a wee bit of side notes as well Submit your work for a chance to be featured here! Submissions are open via our Instagram DM @DesignCultureNow, via email: designculturenow@gmail.com or through using our hashtag #designculturenow.
Ivan Dudchenko is a Ukraine based, illustrator. His works feel bold and vibrant and truly radiate positive emotions throughout each piece.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”5″ gal_title=”betterathome-collection”]This is a series of visual and simple images for Yandex Music playlists, for the main classes and moods while you are at home. Playlists are designed to accompany household chores because due to quarantine we are forced to be at home. My task was to depict visual metaphors for classes, such as studying and working at home, relaxation, and sports…
Ivan Dudchenko (Illustrator)
What do you think of these illustrations? You can see more of Dudchenko’s work on his Instagram.