Every week we curate our top picks in logos and present and critique them, with a wee bit of side notes as well Submit your logos for a chance to be featured here! Submissions are open via our Instagram DM @DesignCultureNow, via email: designculturenow@gmail.com or through using our hashtag #designculturenow.

Starting with our first pick is, of course, turtles. I was watching a video on YouTube the other day and I’ve seen someone (not Tomawatkins) design this logo. It had to do with using the “golden-spiral” in their logo design. Very interesting concept that I think everyone should focus creating more with. Unfortunately, using the “golden-spiral” will almost always deviate from the exact sketch you’ve created but it’s definitely worth a try.

I feel like I’ve seen this logo concept a dozen times, not with just ice cream and a pencil but a pencil with [insert object] It’s definitely a versatile object to use in a logo, but at what point will it be played out? That’s beyond me. Still a yummy logo.
This one is obviously not a new logo, but the dynamics of its design had to be shared. I definitely go gaga over a good motion graphic.

This one is just plain simple, yet it is one of those logos where someone would stare at it and ask themselves why they never thought of that. Clean concept, one minor point that is off for me is the absence of the period after “co.”
@gdimidesign via Instagram @george_bokhua via Instagram @stevan_rodic via Instagram
These three are grouped together because they all have one common theme that I felt could be categorized together. NEGATIVE SPACE! Sure it is clear and you might be wondering why I am so excited for that, but the truth of it all is that I love a good logo with good usage of negative space. The negative space logo concepts aren’t the easiest to produce, but once you have one, it sure can be worth it. (Also side note, is it just me or is that center image just the Evernote logo? )
That’s all for this week! Check out more logo inspiration on our Instagram and look out for our larger top picks list of logo inspirations.